Sun 29 Jun – Thu 3 Jul 2025 CDT
Lake Forest Ranch, 5326 Lake Forest Road, Macon, MS, USA Map
Summer camp is for 4th-6th grades and will be held at the beautiful Lake Forest Ranch in Macon, MS. Please visit their website at lakeforestranch/summercamp to familiar yourself with the camp. Kids will travel by charter bus.
You must make a payment to register. Pay in full or in two payments. The first payment must be made to register and a second payment will be due by June 5, 2024. All payments are non-refundable and bank fees will be applied. Paper registration forms are available at the children's info desk and you may pay with a check or cash ($450.00). Leave your payment in the children's lockbox upstairs. Registration will close when the camp is full. We only have 50 spots for campers and this camp fills up fast.
Depart - June 29th at Noon (We will provide lunch before we leave campus.)
Return - July 3rd around 12:30PM
Once you register with Westwood and secure your spot, you will be sent a link to register with Lake Forest Ranch.